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Bildschirmfoto 2018-10-15 um 13.17.38.png

Melt Ski

Naming & Branding

Naming + Branding

Melt Ski – Ride Responsible

Melt Ski – Ride Responsible

Wieder so ein Herzensprojekt. Mein damaliger Art-Director und guter Freund gründete mit einem Kumpel eine Ski-Firma. Als guter Bayer muss man so was wohl mal gemacht haben. Und als gute Freundin und Texterin unterstützt man so was natürlich. Ich also wieder ran: Markenname, Claim, Imagefilm, Website...

Melt Skier sind besonders nachhaltig. Erstens muss man sie nicht mehr wachsen, zweitens werden sie lokal produziert. Um diesen Geist auch in die Marke zu integrieren, warnt bereits der Name – Melt – vor den Folgen der Klimaerwärmung.

Besonders lieb sind mir aber die kurzen Steckbriefe auf jedem Ski, die seinen Charakter und die damit verbundenen Fahreigenschaften beschreiben.

Naming, Text

  Maverick  (Powder Ski)  His home is the great white open. Hopelessly attracted by virgin powderfields he shows off every inch of his broad-backed build. And once he drops, he’ll carve a fat smile onto the face of the mountain.     The Levity  (Park

Maverick (Powder Ski)

His home is the great white open. Hopelessly attracted by virgin powderfields he shows off every inch of his broad-backed build. And once he drops, he’ll carve a fat smile onto the face of the mountain.

The Levity (Park Ski)

He’s the kind of troublemaker that your parents have always warned you of. Restless, fearless and curious he plays out his genius stupidity like a hyperactive going cold turkey on ritalin. Unleashing every funpark into a wildly spinning superstoker party zone.

  El Gitano  (Tourenski)  Attached to nothing but his freedom, he follows the call of his only muse – the mountain. As a poet of the peaks, he’s riding hooklines onto hills. Humming his hymn of latitude and altitude in canon with marmots and eagles.

El Gitano (Tourenski)

Attached to nothing but his freedom, he follows the call of his only muse – the mountain. As a poet of the peaks, he’s riding hooklines onto hills. Humming his hymn of latitude and altitude in canon with marmots and eagles.

The Absent (Allround Ski)

Leaving his den at dawn to return only at sunset, the absent is a rare mountain species. Craving for adventure he’s hunting down fresh slopes, chasing tree runs and smelling out secret spots far from civilisation. Leaving a legacy of stories and myths to be told by the bonfire for generations to come.
